Tuesday, May 22, 2007

"Man, no comment."

The Atlanta Falcons' Michael Vick has been in the news lately for things other than his unhuman speed and his howitzer-like arm.

Vick is currently in the news because he is being investigated for allegedly hosting dog fights.

During an interview aired on ESPN today, Vick had plenty to say about how much support he has all over the world in the wake of the current investigations. He talked, and talked, and talked some more--- until he was faced with one particular question: "In the end, will you be exonerated?"

Vick's reply absolutely cracked me up.

The NFL all-star simply replied, after a slight hesitation, "Man, no comment."

He commented on all of the other questions, so why wouldn't he comment on this simple yes-or-no question? The answer is simple: Vick has absolutely no idea what "exonerated" means.

Had the reporter asked if Vick thought he would be cleared, rather than exonerated, I'm 100 % sure that he would've given an answer.

Ron Mexico never ceases to give me a good guffaw.

(Guffaw means laugh, Mike.)

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